The overall project consisted of the installation of approximately 15.5 kilometres of conduits to carry a new 132kV transmission feeder to replace the existing feeder. UEA Trenchless was awarded all HDD works on the project and the associated tie-in trenching.
Prior to mobilising to site, UEA Trenchless assisted our client with the bore design and suggested that the bore should have additional cover so that the majority of the bore would be contained in competent rock, thus minimising the risk of fluid loss into the nearby stormwater canal. The client took this suggestion on board and new design drawings were developed. Due to the depth of the bore and the inaccessibility to a number of locations along the bore route, UEA Trenchless utilised wireline technology to track the bore.
UEA Trenchless mobilised to site once statutory approvals were granted and completed the bore utilising the Vermeer D100 drill rig. The three bores were completed with two weeks to spare on the 12 week contract program, with no major issues encountered during the drilling process.
UEA Trenchless will now complete works on this separable portion by installing approximately 360m of trefoil formation electrical conduits by trenching through a local recreational field and easement, to tie the bores into a joint bay and electrical substation.
For more details about the Homebush project, or for information about UEA Trenchless’ accreditation status, phone 02 9851 3000 or email us for a quick response.
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