UEA Trenchless Completes Underboring Work for RMS Upgrade of Old Wallgrove Road

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) have awarded a $95 million contract for the upgrade to 1.5 kilometres of Old Wallgrove Road between Roberts Road and the M7 Motorway to Daracon. Work started on site in late November 2014 and is expected to be completed in 2017.

As part of the road widening and upgrade works, service relocation and augmentation of electrical services is required. This work includes the undergrounding of both Distribution and Transmission mains that are currently overhead along Wallgrove Road.

UEA Trenchless was contracted to perform underboring works of environmentally sensitive Reedy Creek and the RMS controlled Old Wallgrove Road as part of the overall electrical package awarded to UEA Electrical.

Works were successfully completed on site within two weeks and although undertaken during a period of heavy rain, minimal delays were experienced and all conduits were tied into without issue.

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) have awarded a $95 million contract for the upgrade to 1.5 kilometres of Old Wallgrove Road between Roberts Road and the M7 Motorway to Daracon. Work started on site in late November 2014 and is expected to be completed in 2017.

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