The Priority Sewerage Program (PSP) for the town of Appin, located to the South of Campbelltown involves construction of a new pressure sewerage reticulation and transfer system to service approximately 550 properties.
UEA completed the installation of the longest bore on the scheme, 845 metres of 200mm PN25 HDPE in mid-January with its Vermeer D300 x 500 (pictured). A total of 13 bores ranging from 157 metres up to 845 metres were completed with the majority of the shots over 450 metres in length.
This has been a unique project for UEA in many aspects. Of the 5,482 metres installed the vast majority have been in shale and rock with a very small proportion in OTR (Other Than Rock) ground conditions. UEA utilised its entire fleet of directional drilling rigs over the 13 bore locations due to the differing requirements and conditions. From a Ditch Witch AT3020 (7.5 tonne) up to a Vermeer D300 x 500 (136 tonne), UEA have had the equipment required to complete the bores efficiently with minimal disruption. Requiring unique designs within sometimes challenging locations UEA has worked with the PSP to help design bores that are suitable for both hydraulic and construction constraints.
Image caption: UEA’s Vermeer D300 x 500 Horizontal Directional Drilling rig pulling pipe on an 845m bore as part of the Appin Priority Sewerage Program (PSP).