UEA Continues as a Member of the Panel for Directional Drilling and Trenching Services

UEA Trenchless continues to provide horizontal directional drilling and trenching works as part of a panel for a major Sydney Electricity Supplier. Under the panel for directional drilling and trenching services, UEA Trenchless has already successfully completed projects in Camden, Kellyville, Marsden Park, Wollongong, Airds and Greenfield Park, with two major CONSAC replacement projects in Bidwill currently under construction. UEA has been working effortlessly with the principal to develop innovative designs and methods of construction to provide a cost saving while minimising the impact of the works to the community.

The trenchless team has been able to employ a wide range of drills and excavators to meet the needs of the principal in an ever-changing environment. These drills include, but are not limited to, a Ditch Witch AT3020, Vermeer D6090, Vermeer D100, Vermeer D300, Guided Boring Machine (GBM) and Thrust Boring Machine. UEA has utilised these drills in a wide variety of ground conditions and has proven experience spanning more than 20 years.

UEA has been working on two major CONSAC replacements in the Bidwill area where HDD and civil works are currently underway around Chestnut Crescent, Luxford Road, Kidd Close and Petrie Close. HDD works include boring and installing a total length of 1,392 metres of electrical conduits. Civil works include trenching and installing 354 metres of electrical conduits, preparing open points, LV open points and cable joint bays. Unlike most Endeavour Energy jobs that UEA has been contracted to undertake, the scope of these works also required UEA to undertake cable hauling, which required intensive preparation of the site to ensure that Endeavour Energy’s connection runs smoothly. The completed LV duct installation will form part of Endeavour Energy’s Distribution Works associated with the replacement of CONSAC LV cables with XLPE LV cables. Construction started mid-January and completion is expected in July 2018.

There have been many challenges throughout the project to date, including:

  • The area has many underground services, so excavation of open points and drilling also encountered some difficulties. Care during these processes was vital with existing services such as gas, sewer, water, communications and electricity all being in very close proximity of the works.
  • Unexpected ground conditions of shale and rock were encountered during both excavation and drilling works. This often slowed down the required tasks in order to avoid damage to equipment.
  • High amounts of traffic and pedestrians in the location created setbacks on site. Traffic management and clear signage were placed on footpaths and fences around the site to indicate safe walkways around excavated open points to the public. Traffic management was critcal as most works were located alongside footpaths on main streets. Moreover, traffic management minimised disruptions to traffic during school hours and busy periods.

UEA chose to utilise a number of AT3020 drill rigs, 4.5T excavators and bed boring machines to undertake the works, all chosen to be best suited to the project’s requirements.

For more details on this project or UEA’s horizontal directional drilling projects, contact the Trenchless team at trenchless@uea.com.au or call us on 02 02 9672 4456.

UEA Trenchless continues to provide horizontal directional drilling and trenching works as part of a panel for a major Sydney Electricity Supplier. Under the panel for directional drilling and trenching services, UEA Trenchless has already successfully completed projects in Camden, Kellyville, Marsden Park, Wollongong, Airds and Greenfield Park, with two major CONSAC replacement projects in Bidwill currently under construction. UEA has been working effortlessly with the principal to develop innovative designs and methods of construction to provide a cost saving while minimising the impact of the works to the community.

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